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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Prometheus Bristlecone Pine RIP Fifty Years Ago: August 6, 1964

How a grad student cut down the world's oldest known living thing…
What's fifty years when you have lived around five thousand years. Prometheus was born 2898 B.C. (circa) and died August 6, 1964: This event helped spark the environmental movement
This haunted Curry his whole (albeit much shorter) life…
Lem's Place had this post on the world's oldest living things... (she does not list Bristlecone Pines)
Oldest trees in the world... (note the difference between actual trees who lave lived long and clonal trees)
Wikipedia has a decent list of various old trees: verified, estimated and clonal.

Lem's has a link about a tortoise that must be well over 100 years old… More from the BBC

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